So you just purchased a brand new Macbook and you’re curious about the best applications to improve your experience.  Below is our top five list for those new or familiar with the Mac!


Alfred 3 – Alfred is a spotlight replacement for MacOS.  Alfred has powerful workflow’s similar(as well as more expansive) than Spotlight. Seamless integration means with a quick command you’re ready to look up anything on your Mac, search anywhere(online or through your files) or enter a quick math equation.  And that’s just the very minimum!  All of this appears as you type – something spotlight still suffers with today.  No slow productivity here.

Google Chrome – Let the debates roll.  Safari is a very capable and more battery efficient browser choice for your Mac.  With all this in mind Google’s offering in our eyes is just a lot better.  Seamless syncing with all your devices is pretty standard with apps of today but the integration and extensions are where Chrome shines.  Plethora of options to this speedy and functional app.

The Unarchiver – An improved utility for handling all archived files on a daily basis.  The built in MacOS can handle it’s fair share – but comes up short.  Install once and forget – The Unarchiver works seamlessly to handle any files you bring on board.

Bartender – Having a load of applications at your disposal is great – except when you look up and notice your menu bar is cluttered with apps you really don’t find appropriate.  With Bartender you decide which apps can live in the menu bar or not.  Hide them, rearrange and take control.

Magnet – Make multitasking between two windows(or more!) a breeze.  With Magnet, just drag your apps to your desired portion of screen and they’ll hold there. This keeps your work space organized and allows you to view multiple documents, webpages, etc without minimizing and reopening at every moment.


There’s our top 5 apps that we absolutely love and couldn’t imagine a Mac experience without.  Try them out!








Author Karl

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